Reviews of The Best Doctors Near Me in Atlanta

Discover what patients love most about their visits to Atlanta Medical Institute and the best doctors near me serving the Atlanta area by taking a look through our patient reviews. Our reviews highly revere the best doctors near me for having a passionate staff, innovative technology, and calming ambiance, which creates a truly remarkable experience for high-quality care. Visit Atlanta Medical Institute with Dr. Jeff Semel or Dr. Elbridge Bills today for all of your health needs.

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About Atlanta Medical Institute | Atlanta Med Spa

“Take the first step in your health and wellness journey at Atlanta Medical Institute, our Atlanta Med Spa located in Atlanta, GA, our facility specializes in weight loss, anti-aging, hormone replacement therapy, men’s health, women’s wellness and chiropractic services. Our staff is highly experienced in administering a diverse selection of treatments in order to better serve the needs of our patients. For our patients hoping to reduce their arthritis symptoms or improve their overall health, we provide medical weight loss programs, menopause treatment, Low testosterone treatment, erectile dysfunction, optimization and more. Schedule a consultation today to discuss your goals, questions, and concerns with the best doctors near me serving greater Atlanta- Dr. Jeff Semel or Dr. Elbridge Bills before deciding on your personalized treatment plan.”
atlanta medspa
Med Spa Lobby | Atlanta Medical Institute

A Personal Story on Weight Loss At Atlanta MedSpa

“…the biggest difference to me is how I feel about myself. My glass isn’t half empty anymore, it’s half full. I really believe that I can do just about anything I put my mind to. I am looking forward to living the rest of my life as a healthy woman, not in fear of getting sick and being afraid of becoming more and more obese.”

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5009 Roswell Road
Suite 120
Atlanta, GA 30342


Mon:    9:00AM – 6:00PM
Tue:     9:00AM – 6:00PM
Wed:   9:00AM – 6:00PM
Thu:     9:00AM – 6:00PM
Fri:        9:00AM – 4:00PM

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GLP-1 Semaglutide